The iconic writer Michael Crichton had another book taken to screen about political fictional thriller, the premise is far-fetched by countless reasons, firstly for a politic extremist forego the democratic system to appeal to killing of thousand on political convention by hazardous gas stolen from US's Army, it sounds a bit weird to solve this neuralgic issue, second the cat and mouse game conceived by egocentric politician played by E. G. Marshall against the US' agent of intelligence Ben Gazzara to the extent of a character study upon psych profile.
The screenplay has plenty of noticeable holes, meanwhile E. G. Marshall sets free to built a bomb device thru an inertness of FBI's agents, looks like deliberate by pure foolishness to get a proper tension to hold the audience, to make it worst some oddities were appended in the lame plot, some catches wisely designed by the perpetrator in a bomb shut down process, it will raises the strain thru the countdown at last seconds, in the meantime the missing President is reaching in the crowed convention.
On the casting appears the upcoming star Martin Sheen at small role, someone wrote in his review that E. G. Marshall was miscasting to play a villain, whereby I agree, he doesn't fit well in this kind evil persona, the veteran actor often portraited a nice guy on serious character.
Thanks for reading.
First watch: 1992 / How many: 2 / Source: TV-Youtube / Rating: 6.25.