Black Jack 1968 starring Robert Woods was a fascinating SW and I agree with other posters it belongs on a top 20 list. I saw a full screen DVD copy of it with the edited ending and then saw on youtube the unedited ending. If you watch the edited version you will say "WTF" at the ending and then feel cheated like when you order fast food after seeing a commercial showing a hug full hamburger then you go in the drive thru and its half the size like that lol. Okay back to the flick... I like this movie because there is no hero only a bad guy, who gets wronged by his crew because he is greedy and double crosses them only to get hunted down and those closest to him gets hurt and murdered being left for dead Black Jack sets out for revenge badly maimed and is half crazed. It really is a great revenge flick and with amazing ending. Robert Woods really has grown on me since seeing My name is Pecos and Black Jack he is really a great character actor for the genre. The directing was great even though Baldenello is considered not a very good director but he did impress me with this one.