The late Dr. Jekyll's daughter comes home from school to assist her guardian, Dr. Holbeck (Hollywood veteran John Carradine), in his search for the elixir of eternal youth which he thinks he's found in the retina of the human eye. He needs a constant supply of them for his experiments, of course, and any handy lady'll do, thank you. Ancient ham John Carradine runs around with hairy hands but doesn't get much chance to overact in this half-baked take on Robert Louis Stevenson's classic since he turns into a much younger ancestor (who's palmed off as a long lost nephew) fairly early on. The nephew, in turn, devolves into an ape-like brute (who looks a lot like Al Jolson in blackface) at the most inopportune moments and only an eyeball cocktail can change him back. It sounds a lot better than it is even with a song, a semi-striptease by a dance hall girl, and some brief nudity. The campy, cadaverous character actor's pretty much wasted -and so's your time if you tune in.