Kyle's associate: Damn, I've known you since you were a baby. I don't recognize you no more.
Jeannie: You can't! I'm off my knees now. I like my man with a gun.
Kyle's associate: Jeannie, the nonviolent program...
B.G.: Is dead! Killed by white violence, April 4th, 1968 in Memphis.
Kyle: The man who died...
B.G.: Was murdered! As were four little girls in Sunday school house. As was Medgar Evers, and after him, 47 others. Now how many of their killers went to jail? Nobody. That's over! We gotta make them know that every time they even *think* of picking up a gun against a Black man, there's a black gun waiting for them!
Kyle: That's not the way, B.G. You'll bring the whole military machine down on our heads! You, you will be the excuse for fascism in this country! You'll bring on the camps.
B.G.: Well, what the hell do you think we got now?
Kyle: Then you have no idea what it could be. I don't hate you, B.G. I don't want to see you in a camp. I don't want to see you killed. And I don't want to see you responsible for other people being killed.
Corbin: Now you listen: when you're born Black in this country, you're born dead. Don't talk to us about being killed. We know about that. You're an honest man, Kyle. Go ahead, have your meeting. Nobody's gonna bother you. You go get those bills passed. Bills the whites won't obey, anyway. You do your thing, and we'll do ours. But get this straight: I don't know about a revolution without arms, and I don't know about a revolution that doesn't punish its enemies.