I knew nothing about this movie until it popped up on TV one evening during the mid seventies. Being Anthony Andrews fans my wife and I settled down to watch the movie and I also recorded it on my newly acquired beta max video recorder. From the start we were drawn in to the story. The characters, the locations, actors and the magnificent musical score. It's the most moving and convincing film I have ever seen. Knowing the film is based on true events makes it all the more poignant. The pace of the movie and almost gentle unfolding of events gives the viewer time to think. It's not the high speed violence we have become used to in recent years. A film of love and hate and the darkest days of the second world war. The final and perhaps inevitable outcome in the last chapter has become etched into my memory forever. I remember Anthony Andrews saying years later on The Michael Parkinson Show that it was a film he was particularly proud to have been a part of. Too right! A star studded cast which so often can be the kiss of death in a film proved to be not the case. Every character was essential and all the actors played their parts well.I have tried to get this film on VHS and DVD but unsuccessfully. It is a film that has had quite a profound effect on the way I think. If you have never seen this movie but are given the chance to watch it, keep a tissue in your pocket. It's a tearjerker.