While it might be classified as light drama by today's standards, this is no ordinary movie. A most intriguing story of four rookie cops who defy authority and help out the family of a deceased cop just short of his pension, (Larry Hagman) and even the Sergeant who stands in their way. (Robert Cult) It might appear low budget and a little dated, but the values have not aged. It is probably something which is rare for a group of policeman, but you never know. There are still a few good cops out there, and this is their story. Don't expect a swish soundtrack (It's even worse than 'The Six Million Dollar Man') or dazzling special effects, and you will walk away from a viewing of The Last of the good guys feeling a little better about yourself and your so called enemies. You can find a friend in the most unexpected places...even an old 1970's 'B' grade movie!