Delicious French film from the late 70s that is aimed at family audiences. La Place de Trocadero is basically the perimeter edges of the Eiffel tower feet and it is in this iconic garden setting that this Gallic disco skate musical exists. Probably made with inspiration from such B grade US pix as TILT or SKATERDATER this one combines the TGIF / CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC level of professional groovy disco beat to kids zipping about on skateboards and roller skates and family dramas. Trust the French to bump the treatment up from drive in fodder to spectacular Parisian family musical. This is a outdoor family disco movie with skates... and Paris etc. The soundtrack is sensational, and one full track 'The Trocadero Suite" featured on the soundtrack LP from 70s beat-factory Casablanca Records runs a massive unforgettable 18 minutes rivaling the fantastic DEEP soundtrack suite for genuine iconic 70s disco effect. If the French can can re wrap MGM musical style into THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG and THE YOUNG GIRLS OF ROCHEFORT, you can get the drift of what they have done here combining SKATERDATER with "Thank God It's Friday"....outdoors and plonked it all beneath the Eiffel Tower...with kids.