I have searched for this film 26 years. Saw it when I was 34 in 3 parts on TV and taped on my Betamax. Made a BIG mistake letting the tape go and have been sorry ever since. 34 years of sorry. Why oh why this was made as a miniseries I will never know. It definitely should have been a feature film. It would have made instant stars of Edward Albert (Ron Dalrymple) and Perry King (Russ Currier) and Deborah Raffin (Chris Farris) and Bruce Boxleitner. These 3 guys, especially Edward Albert are dreamy handsome like guys were back then without knowing they were handsome. There were polished, polite, well groomed and the characters had such layered depth. I knew lots of men just like these in college and they were all serious about being the next stewards of the country. They were patriots and felt deeply about things. I thought the film should be a time capsule of the era, much like It's a Wonderful Life has become about 1928-1945. Movies like this, took the time to develop the characters, making them richer and more memorable for you. The music throughout like Moonlight Serenade is divine.
Edward Albert (named after his movie star father) just played the son in the movie Tess, and he's still dreamy, polished, polite and well groomed! But it's the dialog in this film that will keep you mesmerized. I don't recall any violence, nudity or swearing.
Somebody please find out how to bring this back in DVD. It would be a great shame to lose this one for all time. I have over 500 DVD's, but this is the one I search for.