i bought this as a double feature from east west video/DVD at the local dollar store,the second feature is torture chamber(aka;torture chamber of Dr.sadism)anyway its the last time the great Christopher lee played Dracula.and the last time peter Cushing played his Nemesis van helsing. well the count now has a satanic cult of followers that sacrifice naked women and etc;so you know this is an r rated movie right.its a pretty good hammer feature,i believe Christopher lee was getting tired of playing count Dracula and wanted to end the series.and i think Christopher lee is one of the greatest actors around,he's a legend like Boris Karloff,Bela Lugosi,Vincent price,and Lon Chaney Sr and Jr.i would'nt rate this as the best Dracula movie but its good none the less. this has 2 different titles.in a 5o movie horror collection,you'll see the satanic rites of Dracula and count Dracula and his vampire brides. they are both the same movie,so the 50 movie collection as seen on TV is really 49 movies,i did the math.oh well i guess they goofed.i give count Dracula and his vampire brides 8 out of 10.Christopher lee you rule.