If you are old enough to remember the 1970's, the "trucker as a modern day cowboy" phenomena and the great CB fad (10-4 Good Buddy and watch out for Smokey) you remember and maybe even saw this series when it first aired!
I watched this show during its first run in 74-76 and had dim memories of it (I remembered the premise of truck drivers and Claude Akins being in it), but couldn't remember the name of the show or characters or much else about it. I had some of the merchandising tie-ins from the series including a model of the Kenworth and the mobile CB rig (a cheap transceiver radio that was low powered and only worked on CB CH 14 both of which were legal limitations for an unlicensed CB radio at the time).
For those hoping to catch this series again (since it apparently was never released on DVD or VHS) the Retro TV Network has started showing it as of late June 2011! As I write this it's only been on for a week, but I'm enjoying the trip down memory lane and seeing these shows for the first time since I was a kid watching them when they first aired.
It wasn't the greatest series, but I always liked Claude and I especially love all of the location filming that shows the world and highways of the 1970's and seeing the guest stars of the era.
Hope everyone that misses it will be able to catch it again.