An old hag kidnaps a baby as an offering to Satan from her gypsy witch coven. The authorities, under pressure from their commissioner, bring her into custody, and during an interrogation she leaps from a window to her death. The commissioner is hence cursed by her gypsy "family", and soon his pretty daughter becomes host to the old hag's evil spirit. As one might expect, she starts talking like a trucker, slapping her mother, and taking to an overall Regan Macneil-ish nastiness(which, in this case, includes a castration wherein we find her skipping about gleefully with a bloody, floppy dong in her paw). Before long, she undergoes a physical transformation into something resembling a child with Rapid Aging Syndrome.
DEMON WITH CHILD/THE POSSESSED is generally noted as a kenspeckle Spanish Xerox of THE EXORCIST, though it does have a few small marks of intrinsic distinction. Despite the poor dubbing and intermediate production values, a macabre atmosphere is retiringly maintained which saves the film from buckling over completely...but barely.
In toto, this is a nominal treadmill chiller, but I can't say I found it a regrettable watch, or even that I wouldn't possibly watch it again.