Bronk was an uneven but nevertheless interesting cop series that I somehow either missed or for some reason wasn't shown in my local area when first broadcast in 1975-1976.
Based on the video release, I must assume that the final few episodes were originally filmed in a sequence different than the dates on which they were eventually broadcast.
The pilot film and episodes 1 through 16 feature, among others, Dina Ousley as Bronk's wheelchair-bound daughter and Harvey Beckman as a retired, former desk sargeant who is now owner of a garage that restores vintage cars--some of which Bronk actually drives himself, eventually settling on a grey 1959 Cadillac.
However, beginning with episode 17 ("Jackson Blue"), daughter Ousley is no longer listed in the credits and never mentioned again while the "retired" Beckman has inexplicably returned to his post as desk sargeant (as if he had never left in the first place) leaving the viewer to assume he has given up running his garage or that episodes 17 through 24 should have been aired before episodes 1 through 16.
Episodes 18 through 24 feature a different variation of the series theme intro while Beckman maintains his long-winded desk sargeant role.
The final episode 24 ("The Vigilante") is strange in that Bronk himself only makes a very brief (virtually a cameo appearance) in an early scene, henceforth leaving Vic Morrow in a memorable role as a free-lance detective to carry the story to its violent conclusion.
A second Bronk season never materialized but why? Did Jack Palance have a falling out with the producers? Did he have money or health issues?
As Palance's next appearance was in the 1976 film "Black Cobra", was there a time constraint demanding he quit continuing on with the Bronk character?
If anyone in-the-know can fill in the blanks here, it would be most welcome indeed.