I've heard a lot about this movie, each time hearing it was boring, stupid, pointless, etc. Ok not really boring but definitely the latter of the complaints. I recently acquired a copy and from start to finish, I was having the time of my life. The movie just threw me for a loop time and time again. At first I felt bad for the main character, Jamie. He's looked down upon and pretty much hated by the local people. But after he acted perverted on several occasions (which grants the viewer with a handful of RANDOM GRATUITOUS BREAST SHOTS!!!!) I called into question how I felt about him. And another thing that confused me was Jamie's demonic Teddy Bear (which may have been the main character originally, hence the film's original title "Teddy"). But I ignored that fact since it added to the feeling that maybe Jamie was crazy, or just didn't get the love and appreciation he needed. And the Pit itself? It contains four flesh eating beasties that Jamie names the Tra-la-logs (or Trolls, but that isn't nearly as much fun to say). Jamie kind of treats the monstrous creatures as pets, first feeding them beef he purchases with his babysitters money; later feeding "nasty people" to the Tralalogs. All in all, I liked this one. It's different, it's strange, and there are plenty of funny scenes (and the occasional breast shot for the guys) that keep it interesting. Plus it has a great (but somewhat predictable) ending. I don't know about anyone else, but I'd certainly sit and watch it again.