Originally aired on Showtime, then syndicated, it ran for 8 (?) seasons, and was ground-breaking for having the first openly gay *proud* character (Cliff) from the premiere episode, albeit not the main character (Joe). Played with sensitivity and great humor, Cliff was a real gay man - not a stereotype, not hung up about being gay, and never "redeemed" by seeming to be straight. His foils were his construction worker brother, Lou (not too bright, but deep down loved his baby brother) and his best friend, Donald Maltby, who *verged* on stereotype, but because of extraordinary acting always managed to turn the character on its ear and show you something more than just a caricature (notably his brilliant speech about blame and AIDS in one episode, which was very knowledgeable and forthright anyway, despite it being so very early in the epidemic). I'm sure the show will never air again, and it might not even ever be available as a Columbia House collectible series, but if you ever get the chance, watch those old episodes! (And, being from Philadelphia, where the show is supposedly set, maybe someone will be able to explain to me how very good-looking Cliff ever went for 8 years with only two boyfriends for four episodes!)