Bioman, Gavan, The Transformers.... all my childhood... Bioman, along with Gavan (X-Or in France) and Message from Space (Sankukai), is one of the most known Japanese SFX series in France. It was one of the series I liked a lot. Doctor Man (Doctor Mad in French Version) is one of the best bad guys of sentai series, with Bio-Hunter Silva. What I liked alot in the series was the BioRobot (MMPR's Mega-Zord ancestor) which is DA BEST sentai Robot of the 80's, and one of the best sentai robots ever . The story was also strong, better than the most of older or recent sentai series . My favorite "good guys" characters in the show are Yellow four 2 and Pink Five ("Force Jaune" and "force rose"), both Biowomen: they are so cute !!! The series was also the acting debut of Yukari Oshima (a.k.a. Cynthia Luster), who was ruthless Farrah-Cat, Farrah's bodyguard . For foreign sentai fans who wanna to (re)-discover this show, it will be available in Videotapes in French stores in September 2002 .