Do not confuse this with the dreadful eighties version from Hollywood. They both contain a central character called Baron Von Munchaussen and that is it!
Oleg Yankovsky gives his funniest performance ever as the title character who refuses to give to give up his own beliefs even though it would get him the thing he most desires in this world. (no more for fear of spoilers) I can not remember which film or book, but someone once said that 'a mans honour is his gift to himself.' and that is what this film is about if you are looking for a meaning,.......But that does not matter! If you are American and did not get the humour of Monty Python I am afraid this is also going to go whoosh, straight over your head too. Sorry if that offends, you probably do not think the Hitch Hickers Guide to the Galaxy was a particularly funny book either. The jokes and innuendo just fly non-stop from all the players. By far the best of the Mark Zakharov films.
I would have given in so that I could marry Marta!