Known alternatively here as Undercover cops, as also Hot Dog cops, no you're not mistaken, that's Harry (Deep Throat) Reems, newly heading what is the worst vice squad, in the history of worse vice squads. Here's another of those films, which misfires on many cylinders. The film, which has you in a kind of awe, to what the hell was going on here, is played as a straight comedy, where the having a couple of porn stars, in it, might boost the morale, but it does little. Reems though, as the strict, pain in the arse, by the book no nonsense cop, is very good, and he partly makes the film, worth it's watch. There are some smart gags, but they are just not funny, as is the rest of the film, where scene after scene, is a let down in this department. There are some hot moments, nudity, black lingerie, but as an intended comedy, this one was just a total misfire. But no way, am I saying it's not worth viewing, especially if you like to see some little sexual goings on, as well as a couple of porn stars, who do prove they can act as well. At least the film, has a nice ending.