This film essentially begins with members of a Japanese motorcycle gang known as the Maboroshi Kamikazes having to discuss their future. The current leader named "Ken" (Koji Nanjo) has matured and wants to settle down with his girlfriend "Noriko" (Michiko Kitahara) and start a new life. At the same time, he still feels an allegiance with his Maboroshi brethren and, having their best interests at heart, advises them to join an alliance with some of their rivals to prevent needless bloodshed. Unfortunately, this doesn't sit well with one of his hot-headed lieutenants named "Jin" (Tatsuo Yamada) who considers compromise to be the same as weakness and, being the loudest voice in the room, manages to convince a few of his weak-minded colleagues to follow him. The problem, however, is that the other motorcycle gangs, most notably one known as the Dokuro Skulls, sense how divided the Maboroshi Kamikazes have become and want to finish them off--once and for all. Likewise, a right-wing paramilitary organization led by a man named "Tadashi" (Hiroshi Kaiya) also realizes this and seeks to recruit some of these young men to his cause as well--and it's now up to Jin to make the best decision for his gang. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was an interesting film which combined elements of a typical biker setting with punk nihilism to reasonably good effect. Where it fails, to some extent, is toward the end in which it takes a rather bizarre turn that leads it completely off the rails. At least, that is how it seemed to me. Even so, I certainly don't consider this to be a bad film necessarily, and I have rated it accordingly. Average.