This is a very under the radar sitcom from the early 1980's starring Redgrave. The show also had various actors from Normen Fell to even Michael J Fox doing a 1 episode cameo. The plot centered around Redgrave being a school teacher where most of the scenes took place in the teachers lounge. The show dealt with various issues including a possible rape of a teacher (Teressa Ganzel). The problem really centered around a weak comedic script that tried to create unity around a cast that just did not have any lasting chemistry. The show only lasted two seasons and had only 21 episodes. I feel for the cast especially Tim Reid who played "Venus Flytrap aka Gordon Sims on the hit classic WKRP In Cincinnati", because he is a very good comedic actor that was more or less put into a token role that did not use his talents. Overall the series had potential but just failed because of bad writing. If your actually able to find this show on the internet or possibly a few episodes on Youtube give it a quick watch, but quite frankly its not worth watching mutiple episodes.