A word of advice to anyone who couldn't get through the endearing badness of Zombi 3--go no further! Zombie 4: After Death is much worse. Let's just say that whenever neon laser effects turn up in a zombie movie my level 5 crap alert goes off. Zombie 4 somehow lacks the elements that made Zombi 3 entertaining and comes off as boring--and the worst thing a bad movie can do is be boring. A cute girl vacationing with some soldiers-for-hire (don't ask, I don't know either--maybe she's an A-Team groupie?) returns to an island she escaped from as a child. In the back story we see her scientist family upset a voodoo priest and he proceeded to wipe out the whole island in a fit. Of course the zombies are still there and the group quickly gets surrounded...you know the rest. A little statue necklace that looks like the one Peter wears in the Brady Bunch in Hawaii episode figures into it somehow, but whatever it was supposed to do fails miserably as none of the girl's lame attempts at recalling the dead ever work. Only confirmed bad zombie movie addicts should try this one. Or fans of weird mercenaries with very bad teeth and Village People mustaches; I do believe this had one of the strangest looking casts I've seen in a while!