This film begins in Hong Kong with a young woman named "Kay" (Lai Fun Chan) asking her brother "Kai-Lum Pak" (Kiu Wai Miu) for permission to go to Southeast Asia with one of her friends. Although their mother has strictly forbidden such a trip Kai-Lum agrees since she will only be gone for a week. In exchange for not telling their mother Kay agrees to wear a magic amulet which is supposed to ward off evil spirits. Once there Kay and her friend stop for some refreshments at a local street vendor (played by Hussein Abu Hassan) who immediately recognizes the amulet. That night it is revealed that the street vendor is also an evil sorcerer of great power who places an evil curse upon Kay which takes effect the minute she removes the amulet. Not long afterward, Kay is hospitalized after being attacked by a multitude of centipedes. Learning of her plight Kai-Lum immediately takes the next airplane to Southeast Asia and arrives just prior to her death. Eventually he learns of the evil curse that had been placed upon her because of something that their grandfather had done many years earlier and that he is now the next victim. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this film started out routinely enough but after about 40 minutes or so got really bizarre with a couple of wizards doing their best to fight the evil sorcerer and save Kai-Lum and his girlfriend "Yeuk-Chee" (Margaret A. Lee). On that note, it reminded me of a similar film called "Black Magic" which came out about seven years earlier and also featured mystic sorcerers fighting a battle to the death as well. In any event, I suppose this low-budget, Chinese horror film wasn't too bad and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Average.