Aggiungi una trama nella tua linguaThings are not going well on the mining planet Ordessa: the conditions are awful, the workers are disgruntled and the management is cracking down by using killer security robots. Only the un... Leggi tuttoThings are not going well on the mining planet Ordessa: the conditions are awful, the workers are disgruntled and the management is cracking down by using killer security robots. Only the underground resistance movement, led by Lorca, has a chance of turning around the brutal reg... Leggi tuttoThings are not going well on the mining planet Ordessa: the conditions are awful, the workers are disgruntled and the management is cracking down by using killer security robots. Only the underground resistance movement, led by Lorca, has a chance of turning around the brutal regime, but the management has hired Danny the bounty hunter to track down him and his follow... Leggi tutto