The acting by the three main characters was very good. Linda Kozlowski, and Ron Lea play a married couple who will soon be expecting their first child so they decide to find a new house in a new neighborhood to raise their yet unborn child in. Just by sheer luck Mary ( Linda Kozlowski) spots an older weathered home up for sale so she makes the bold move and offers the owner a below market value price for his house. The house owner is retired obstetrician Dr. Myron Hatch (Rod Steiger) who at first glance falsely recognizes Mary as the spitting image of his deceased mother who Myron had lost at a very young age when she gave birth to her second son, and she died just after the childbirth.
This is a somewhat cat and mouse game with Mary having a strong gut feeling (no pun intended as Mary is five (5) months pregnant) that their next door neighbor who sold them their new home, Dr. Myron Hatch is more than just a bit weird.
The suspenseful music that plays throughout becomes rather expected and as each scene is completed Mary always seems to just escape the clutches of the evil obstetrician Dr. Myron Hatch who becomes very possessive of Mary and he seems to adore her as she reminds him so much of his deceased mother which he lost decades ago as a young lad.
It certainly is not a first class thriller, nor is it a bomb with first rate actors such as Rod Steiger. I have rated it lower because of the predictable way the film flows and the flaws in the plot which I won't spoil for anyone.
I give the film an average middle of the road 5 out of 10 IMDB rating.