Jeff Brunner, who ran multi million dollars of investment capital for Howard Gilman (Gilman Paper Company) was talked into producing this series. Jim Goldman, a Wall Street investment banker told Brunner that this was the next Teenage Ninja Deal. Brunner was to invest Gilman's money and Gilman was non too happy about any of this happening. Brunner funded this show with $27,000,000 He, Gilman was a lover of Ballet and funded much in that world. Grove TV ran by Richard Grove completed the deal buy getting the show cleared in 97% of the Country. Amazingly it was cleared at 1 thru 3AM when the target audience as fast asleep. Even better was a ploy that was sheer comedy. Brunner paid WPIX Channel 11 to play the show on Saturday night at 11:30PM. Need I remind anyone that this was up against Saturday Night Live and Brunner paid $50,000 for the time. Brunner had never watched anything other than PBS on TV and was completely clueless. Brunner was fired and all the people who worked for him were also. I have files of paperwork sitting 3 feet from me as a remembrance. The worst part of all was Gilman Paper of St. Mary GA is no longer as a direct result. Thousand of people lost their job.