This is not an academy award winner by any means, but it has all of the elements that has kept these characters popular for more than a century, since they were invented Willian Sydney Porter (who wrote under the name of O' Henry). Cisco and Pancho are certainly his most enduring creations, having appeared in films since the early days of the silent films. Probably the best known pair of actors in the roles were Duncan Reynaldo and Leo G, Carillo from both forties movies, and then many years on the small screen. But this film adequately captured their essence and struck just the right note with Jimmy Smits as Cisco, and the always enjoyable Cheech Moran as Pancho. This was the first time I had seen a back story, as it were, about how these two fighters for justice came together. The even got the period right. The only really jarring role was Ron Pearlman attempting to be a Frenchman. I'm sorry but he just doesn't pull it off very believably. The film is a lot of fun though and worth a visit.