In my opinion Polly & Polly: Comin' home were the most entertaining Family/musicals ever written to inspire the black population. I was only nine years old when Polly first aired on television. I remember my mother, big sister, and myself being very excited to view the newly written African-American version of the classic Polly-Anna. I remember feeling such joy after viewing this film it touched on so much of my origin. The southern scenery was perfect in reflecting my heritage most Black Americans have a significant part of their heritage that links back to various states down south. It also touch on the our spiritual up bringing in how most black Americans were raised to love that lord and reverence God in everything we do. The entire film touch me very deeply so much so that I have been searching for this film for years but I have been unsuccessful in completing my search. I really would love to share my joy about this movie with my two year old daughter Jadyn Trinity and my family. I feel that this movie was truly inspired by God and I pray that God use it as a tool to unify families of all races all over that world.