In this third installment of Teresa Woo's seminal Girls with Guns franchise, only Moon Lee, Alex Fong and Kharina Sa return from the previous film (with only the former two having starred in all three films) as the titular 'Angels', an elite task force that rids the world of assassins, dictators and terrorists. This time, Moon has to infiltrate a terrorist organization bent on starting a war between Thailand and Vietnam. She succeeds but has to leave her tracking device behind, so that Alex & Kharina, assisted by Thai agent Kwai (Ralph Chen) and a bony gweilo nicknamed Computer, are left running across Bangkok trying to locate her.
Moon Lee is oddly sidelined in this sequel, but with whatever scenes there are of her, she lays waste to countless machete or fan-dab sword-wielding opponents with her bare hands or a nunchaku. She's a particularly fast-mover, and Alex Fong is no slouch in that score - there's an arresting yet protracted Muay Thai fight in the ring. The plot itself is simple, a little weak, and it's not too engaging, but it's still passable enough. Check out the finale, it's really OTT with so much carnage and the heroes coming down via jet pack indicates it's oddness.