A most ironically titled film, "Think Big" is a relatively brainless movie. The whole movie revolves around two appropriately airheaded, truck driving twin brothers who have to save a teen genius and the world's ultimate weapon from the clutches of the bad guys. The weapon? A device that looks like an otherwise ordinary remote control, but can control virtually every electronic device.
Of course, the "humor" comes in when the lamebrained gymrat twins bumble around trying to defeat the baddies. As expected in any b-movie, the humor is substandard and often crude. The Paul brothers play the role of the bungling duo pretty well. The movie also boasts a fairly decent supporting cast, with Martin Mull from Sabrina: The Teenage Witch, Richard Moll from Nightcourt as the brothers' boss and of course, Claudia Christian.
In short, "Think Big" isn't a bad movie for what it is and what it tries to be. Taken lightly, this low budget picture's sophmorish humor and sexual innuendo can be entertaining for a day's rental. Just try to think as little as possible while watching it, and the b-movie lover deep inside you will enjoy it.