Think Big is a 1990 action comedy that centers around two truckers who get caught up in a mess after a teenage genius stows away in their truck.
Directed by Jon Turteltaub and starring the Barbarian Brothers Peter and David Paul, Think Big isn't exactly the cream of the crop when it comes to '90s action films or comedies, but I'll always love this movie for its big heart and all around fun story and characters.
The brothers star as Rafe and Victor, two dim witted brothers with a heart of gold that have nothing but each other and their truck. But in order to keep their truck they have to make a special delivery on time when things get complicated by a teenage stow away with bad guys on her tail.
The story is simple and gets straight to the point, filling its 90 minute run time with nothing but goofy jokes, fun action scenes and a couple of characters that are hard not to love. It probably won't please everybody, but I love this movie, and if you haven't seen it before, I would recommend it.