Just, ugh. A comedy that isn't funny. A heartwarming movie that isn't particularly heartwarming.
The part that really bothers me about the movie is that Joey says He is willing to settle down and get a job if Christine would take him back. But as soon as it is not an option Joey's ready to hit the road again. Dude! What about your daughter?! Even if He is no longer Chris' husband He is still Beth's father and nothing is ever going to change that! Man up and be a Dad! Stay for Her! Do what's good for Her! Yes, Walt is her stepfather and frankly more responsible but you're her biological Dad.
Sissy is just annoying in this movie. It is like She thinks She can just smile and act cute and silly and that's charming.
I loved Olivia Burnette as the daughter - the only one in this movie who has a good head on her shoulders. Her performance was so earnest and genuine and her tears felt so real.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention the familiar-looking red-haired freckled-faced girl who, I think, plays Dawn's daughter. Her character's name according to the credits is Mary although She's never called that on screen. That's clevar considering Sissy's name at birth was Mary (Sissy was a nickname her brothers gave her). She doesn't have any lines, but She does briefly show that familiar grin. In the wedding scene She is being dragged along by Dawn when She briefly turns back to the camera. In the movie There's a sweet scene where Chris peeks into a bedroom and sees Beth and Mary sleeping side and side and looks longingly at her FICTIONAL daughter and kisses her on the head. It is pretty sweet in a meta sense and probably didn't require a lot of acting on Sissy's part. She just had to remember to kiss the right girl.
On that same note I liked when Chris says "I have a beautiful daughter" (in real life Sissy has two beautiful daughters)