Where Angels Fear to Tread in addition to its alluring title also boasts a solid cast of Helen Mirren, Rupert Graves, Helena Bonham Carter and Judy Davis. Throw in the beautiful Italian landscape and scenery and you're well on your way. There is one major obstacle preventing this film from reaching its full potential, and unlike others who suggest it was the direction, I say the major problem rests squarely on the script. There are too many random elements thrown into the mix, that have very little to no context or explanation. There are too many to go into now but characters show up at random places and times, and behave seemingly for the convenience of creating drama, but after a while the viewer really does need a bit more information and character development. The Judy Davis character is completely lacking in any sympathetic traits completely to the point that I wanted nothing more than to see her run over by a train Rupert Graves is so thoroughly passive and ineffectual as to become highly unlikeable, despite his charm. Despite these serious shortcomings I have to say I was still completely engaged as to how things were going to ultimately conclude. When it ended even more horrifically that I had imagined I found myself to be quite upset. So, even though Where Angels Fear to Tread has some major problems I still think its a film worth checking out.