When I first heard of the show, my initial reaction was: "a show about traders? How boring! How can anything about finance be interesting?" Because of this, I missed the first season and half of the second before I finally started watching it, and I was instantly hooked. What caught my attention, more than anything else, was the wonderful acting jobs of the cast and how they truly brought their characters to life.
Not one of the characters in the show are predictable or stereotypical; there are no "good guys" or "bad guys". Instead, each of the characters are highly complex individuals with personal issues that they are forced to deal with on a regular basis, who struggle daily with the ethical and moral dilemmas of working in their professions. The credit for this realism must go to the excellent writers of the show. But even though the show deals with serious issues on a regular basis, it can also be quite humourous. Watching the interaction between the characters provides an incessant source of both laughter and tears, demonstrating both the writers' innumerous talents and the fantastic acting abilities of all of the actors on the show.
My personal favourite characters are Marty Stevens (portrayed by Patrick McKenna) and Paul Deeds (portrayed by Peter Stebbings). Marty is the head trader whose biting sarcastic remarks always make me laugh. Yet, underneath it all, his character is incredibly vulnerable and inherently lovable. On the other hand, Paul's character is far more seedy and is kind of a "bad boy". He is ruthless in his job and will go to whatever lengths he has to in order to get the deal signed, including breaking moral or ethical boundaries. But every now and then he shows that he is not entirely heartless and has his vulnerabilities, too. All of the characters in the show have characteristics that are both admirable and disagreeable ... making them incredibly human ... and which makes me come back for more. :)