This is the third pilot TV movie that jump-started the "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" TV series, where Hercules (Kevin Sorbo) sets on a quest to retrieve Prometheus's torch in order to restore fire to the land, which has been stolen from the evil Hera over her hatred of mankind.
The plot of the movie goes at a fairly fast pace and, like the previous movie, Hercules travels with a woman which happens to be named Deianeira (Tawny Kitaen), but I am assuming it is a different character than the one with the same name played by Renee O'Connor in the previous movie. There is less action in this movie than the previous entry, but you still see Hercules fight a few bad guys here and there. There is also less emphasis on subplots; this story mainly focuses on Hercules' journey to find the torch with Deianeira, leaving few plot twists and a predictable outcome. However, you do see Zeus showcase his powers more than in the previous movies, blasting Hercules away with his hands, generating a windstorm and hurling lightening bolts at people. As the King of the Gods, it is great to see him demonstrate his mighty powers more.
The New Zealand countryside setting is refreshing, but I thought the costumes are less colorful and the buildings were pretty bland (Hera's temple looks like an unfinished wood factory). The music score by Joseph LoDuca is attractive and mysterious and the acting is pretty spot-on, with some good chemistry between Sorbo and Kitaen and a good dose of humor.
The movie does drag a little towards the middle, but other than that, this is a pretty fun TV movie.
Grade B-