I saw it as a mini-series on local pay channel M-Net back in the day. I watched, because of Hunter Tylo. She was one of the stars of THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL which I couldn't access, I live in a small town which couldn't receive the TV signal for that one. So I got to see the beautiful girl I had seen many magazine pictures of, in THE MAHARAJA'S DAUGHTER. I have since forgotten the story almost entirely, but remembered how beautiful Hunter was. As RavenGlamDVDCollector, couldn't locate the title, it took me years, I had some desperate attempts, IMDb could roll around laughing, for when I first got Internet, one of my top quests was encountered HERE ON THIS ENTRY and I thought, gee, maybe I could download it here...! Some time later, a Dutch copy became available (fortunately, original English soundtrack, yes!), and I am currently watching it. Decades after first seeing it, I am now "somewhat more critical" for what a mish-mash it really is. Too exotic for my taste. And the plot features a very obvious LETHAL WEAPON 3 inspiration, plus a tiny dash of BASIC INSTINCT with Bruce Boxleitner as the poor man's Michael Douglas. My opinion of Hunter Tylo hasn't changed. She is magnificent! A classic beauty! Raven-haired and breathtaking. She looks more royal than real royalty.
But if it had been anybody that couldn't hold a candle to Hunter's beauty, I'd never have watched this.