This sequel to the 1991 hit Japanese movie is just as entertaining as the first movie. The plot contains a lot of elements from the first movie (i.e. being trapped in the Zone, etc.). With that said, the film covers a lot of familiar territory, although there are some significant differences. Zeiram's design is a lot different; he's a lot slicker, he has more weapons, and he's one heck of a fighter. There are also some new characters that appear in this film. Yuko Moriyama, reprising her role as Iria, is still beautiful and a joy to watch onscreen. Once again, this movie treats us to lots of gunplay, hi-tech kickboxing, interesting gadgets, and some cool looking monsters. The action scenes were a lot more exciting this time around. My only complaints are two graphically violent scenes (they're short though) and the fact that Zeiram doesn't evolve into some cool stop-motion monstrosity at the end. However, the end duel was quite fun. Overall, a solid entry in the series.