I am always surprised by the low rating of this movie whenever I visit this page on IMDb. I remember watching this film as a kid and being blown away by the premiss and the acting. Sure the film feels very 90s and the production value is generally thin, but bearing in mind the very decent make-up jobs, and action thriller feel mixed with espionage and psychosis, you are left with a very decent and enjoyable movie that has something for everyone.
I was unaware of Anthony LaPaglia before this movie, and while most people probably know him for his more successful recent works, such as "Fraiser", "Without a Trace", and film Analyze That, his lesser known works are probably his best performances.
Chameleon, for me shows off his acting talents best. His ability to mimic voices is very satisfying and while the make-up is very important factor in his characters, he really makes each character his own. Some might find similarities with this movie and The Saint (the film more so than the TV series) as both have an element of lost identity, but this film, while approaching it from a not too subtle and very 90s drama viewpoint, really gets the slipping of identity and overlapping of mannerisms.
I recommend this film to anyone that likes thrillers, for me this really epitomizes the psychological thriller for it's era (I would say for it's decade but Fight Club squeezed into the 90s with it's 1999 release).
I was very lucky to be able to re-watch this film today, and to anyone lucky enough to be able to get a-hold of it, watch it.