Recently divorced "Hidemi Harada" (Morio Kazama) has only now begun to realize how utterly selfish he has been and is regretting the fact that he has been such a bad husband and father. With that in mind he decides to revisit the small hometown where he grew up to perhaps relive a part of his life. However, upon doing this he happens to see a man that resembles his deceased father. More incredibly the man invites him to his house and introduces him to a woman who resembles his deceased mother. To his further shock he learns that they are indeed his deceased parents and act like nothing has changed since he last saw them before their fatal accident over 28 years ago. But that's not all! However, rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this was an interesting Japanese horror film which is light on action but deep in meaning. I especially liked the performances of Kumiko Akiyoshi (as Hidemi's mother "Fusaka Harada") and Yuko Natori ("Kei") who both played their parts quite well. In any case, if a person is looking for plenty of gore or action they won't find it here but even so it's still an interesting movie which I enjoyed and I have rated it accordingly. Above average.