I guess you could boil it down to that, though to be honest there are far more things that are "wrong" with this copycat. Karate Warrior - what you can say in a positive light, the movie is not just an exact copy of Karate Kid. It does have a bit of a different story. It also is way more violent than the movie this based it's idea and "success" on.
And yes while this can not be considered a good movie in any way of the imagination, it was successful enough to spawn a few sequels (which I have not watched ... yet). So not having seen them I can't say if they are as muddled, have the same history when it comes to dubbing or "original" audio (which kind of doesn't really exist, everyone talking in their native language I assume, even if Italian is named as main language here) or the pacing issues.
If you don't mind the countless flaws and relish in the b-movie nature of it all (with surprises along the way, whatever that may mean), you can be quite entertained by this