A warning: the 10 stars is not for the actual merit but as an encouragement to watch it.
The movie is unduly long for what it has (or might want) to say, slow and at times frankly boring and it reaches its apparent intent of showing the disconcert of that Lebanese generation ( for which much worse was to come, unfortunately) by disconcerting the viewer.
The director had surely grown up on a heavy dose of French movies doubled down with Bergman and Antonioni's influence.
The long sequences of people sitting silent in cafès, staring at nothing might have endeared viewers as avant-garde at the time but are now frankly just boring.
Having said so it still is interesting as a time piece, notable also for the depiction of traditional if decaying old Lebanese mansions which in the intervening decades have probably been destroyed and rebuilt more than once.
I feel so sorry for that part of the world and those people so in the end, by watching this movie, I felt like sharing a bit in their misfortune.