I recently watched Bride from Hades (1968) on a random streaming service. The storyline revolves around a young man on the outskirts of town who, engaged to be married, falls in love with a young lady at a local festival, unaware that she's a ghost with a tragic past and cruel intentions.
Directed by Satsuo Yamamoto (The Bogus Policeman) and featuring Kôjirô Hongô (Satan's Sword), Kô Nishimura (Yojimbo), Mayumi Ogawa (Shin Godzilla), and Takashi Shimura (Ikiru).
This famous kabuki tale is brilliantly told. The settings, attire, and props vividly capture the imagination and are enhanced by great use of lighting and fog machines. The background music for adds to the intensity. The acting is phenomenal, and the horror effects surpass expectations. Creepy scenes with the ladies, well-executed face change scenes, and effective use of skeletons contribute to the film's eerie atmosphere. Haunting and levitation scenes are also impressive, making this a compelling watch.
In conclusion, Bride from Hades is a well-crafted horror tale with effects that have aged remarkably. I would give it an 8/10 and strongly recommend it for its captivating storytelling and eerie atmosphere.