"Power Rangers" was good. "Power Rangers Zeo" was great. "Power Rangers Turbo" was kinda lame. "Power Rangers in Space" was cool. "Power Rangers Lost Galaxy" is better than the others because the zords are better looking than those Dinozords, the enemies are really interesting, the weapons are cool,the plots are better than the others, and the Rangers themselves are cool, too. But there is one thing that I don't understand: What happened to Andros,Cassie, T.J., Carlos, Ashley, and Zhane from "Power Rangers in Space?" Someone from school told me they all got kicked off the show because they were on the show for about a year. That sounds so fakey, but nevertheless, these new Power Rangers are awesome.
I'm kinda mad that Tommy, Jason, Billy , and Rocky are not on the show anymore. They were some of the greatest. Tommy and Jason were the most popular of the power rangers.I was so excited when Jason came back on the show. He became the Gold Ranger. Tommy and Jason were best friends and Tommy was really happy that Jason was back. "Power Rangers lost Galaxy"is awesome, but I still miss the original power rangers.