Definitely not for the short attention-span set. This takes its own sweet time to get anywhere and even then you're not quite sure where it's taken you. It kicks off with a long opening sequence resembling nothing more than a pre-war black and white documentary on traditional wine-growing in Georgia and I may as well state my ignorance up front, I didn't even know that Georgia HAD a wine-growing industry but I'm guessing they don't export too much of it. The screening I attended was introduced by the director who advised us not to read the subtitles and, to a great extent, the film can be followed just by watching it. If it has a central character it is Nico, a teenager who gets a job in a wine-collective (if that's the correct term) and subsequently decides that one of the new barrels is undrinkable and ensures it will not be bottled by adding gelatin to the barrel. That's about it apart from a slight sub-plot involving a possessive bully and two giggling girls. I'm glad I saw it but I'm not sure I'd want to sit through it again.