This is directed by the infamous Demofilo Fidani (aka Miles Deem, Dick Spitfire, etc.). I have seen a couple of his westerns, and haven't found them to be as bad as their reputation. Of course, if you're expecting Sergio Leone you are not going to get it here. This is a simple good guys vs. bad guys story that in some ways hearkens back to the old westerns of the 1930's and 40's, yet it still has the unmistakable flavor of a spaghetti western. Think of it as The Lone Ranger meets Fistful of Dollars.
The acting isn't the greatest, but I've seen much worse. There are some funny moments which may or may not have been intentional but they are entertaining nevertheless. The character of Burt Kelley is pretty amusing. He is an insane babbling idiot who plays cards with his mirror image and is not very bright, yet he manages to have control of an outlaw gang the size of a small army.
Unlike so many other "Django" movies that weren't originally intended to be Django movies, this one seems to have been originally written to have Django and Sartana in it. The guy who plays Sartana even has a bit of resemblance to Johnny Garko. In this movie, Sartana is a vigilante hero much like the Lone Ranger, while Django is more like the usual spaghetti western hero whose reasons for doing good are a bit more selfish.
The score is great. It's probably the best thing about the movie. It's very spaghetti western-ish and fun to listen to. I especially like the organ and trumpet part when Django first appears in the film, and the organ music played when Django appears in other parts. The theme song is very cool too.
If you are into the more obscure spaghetti westerns, give this one a try and decide for yourself.