This film is probly the worst Gary Daniels film to date, although i have seen only the ones his fans seem to love most, u know the 5 pointers and so on. As this is the case i will advise anyone who sees this to instantly turn the box over so no-one else can see the attractive cover which is made up of pictures from his different films, and make the mistake of renting it. Firstly the plot was poor, action was bad, the dialogue was really,really slow and when i thought the movie had finished, after a black screen came up for something like 30 seconds or so,it came back on for another 5 mins which was really wierd. Ther is only two marshall arts fights in this film, the near beginning fight which is real good and the end fight which is real bad. so the odds are u'll despise this film and never watch another Gary Daniels Film again, but my advice is to keep hoping he'll get a new agent or somthing, star in a jet li blockbuster and make us brits proud.