This film follows a group of navel gazing, new age types as they enjoy a vacation on island off the coast of New York. For those thinking that this might be some fun exploration of hippie culture (Psych Out), offer up a psychotronic on new age ideas (Simon, King of the Witches), or some bizarre imagery (An American Hippie in Israel) I suggest you look elsewhere as this film lacks all of those aspects. It has more in common with cheapo 60s sexploitation flicks (specifically the roughies) than any notable bit of hippiesplotation. Instead we're treated to half-baked diatribes about showcasing how these people are enlightened enough to look down on everyone else while also lacking even the iota of self-awareness required to see that they are just the same. Their psueod-intellectual ramblings are on par with insipid drivel spouted during Animal House's pot smoking scene; offering nothing of substance other than perhaps a snapshot view of what a bunch of privileged boomers thought a hard life looked liked. Beyond that we're treated to a lot of sex scenes that are very much of that era and almost always lacking in consent from one or more participants and the film disgustingly presents the end result of these encounters as satisfactory for everyone involved. I guess this film is notable for featuring several scenes of man on man action, including several that much more roughie esque. Which I can't say I've seen a ton of so there's that I guess. Normally I'd end my review with an attempt at suggesting this for some audience, no matter how niche, but I hate this one too much to attempt to justify anyone seeing it. I'm going to disagree with Stephen Thrower on this one, we're better off with some films being lost.