There isn't much good to say about Shark Attack II if you ask me. One of the nicest things you will probably hear me say about this film is: 'Ive seen worse.' which by the way is the absolute truth. But unfortunately having seen worse is not an excuse for poor film-making. The acting, while bad is certainly as abominable in a way that will make you laugh throughout the film. I'll give the filmmakers that, but basically THAT'S IT. That's all the credit I'll give that they shot some nice shark footage perhaps. When the evil beasts get into action gear it becomes a whole other story though: you can actually see cardboard shark-heads on those occasions...which is really sad. I mean Jaws (30 years ago my friends) had better shark effect than this film, so if you're into watching a shark hunting exercise I suggest you watch that one (again). If you're drawn by the story (yes they pretend to have one) about genetically mutated sharks I suggest you stick to Deep Blue Sea, which has a somewhat similar premise and to be honest, this one could actually have been 'Deep Blue Sea 2: The Ones that got away'. What really kills this film in the end though are the roaring sharks...come on people this isn't 'Godzilla takes a dive' this is a shark film and sharks don't roar...they bite...and so does this film.
2,5 out of 10 (with a 3 given upon voting)