This telemovie appears to have been produced in Australia using a whole swag of local actors, and whilst it may appear to be a ridiculous movie from first glance, I think it doesn't take itself too seriously and neither should we. The use of modern technology set against 1940's melodramatics is quite clever and whilst the plot throws in every conceivable soap opera twist, the movie remains fairly light hearted. I find self effacing humour to be the best kind, and this production certainly won me over. Grayson McCouch does a great job as the All-American hero (and I suspect only American actor in this show). Tasma Walton pulls out a great sexy side to her that we could only guess at before. Marshall Napier, Salvatore Coco and a host of other well known Australian actors round out the cast, so it's great to see some American money being spent here. I know that because it's a TV movie, that you might not get the chance to see it again, but if it happens to come on one night, watch it - it's good.