This would never fly today. This is an instructional video for getting revenge on your enemies hosted by Linda Blair. She is not onscreen with the other actors. She's seated behind a desk the whole time like a news anchor and occasionally she pretends to interact with prerecorded segments. What's fascinating about this video is while Blair is playing the thing almost like it's a parody, everyone else is playing it straight.
The advice given is legitimate and in many cases would result in the arrest of the person doing it. That's why I said it would never fly in today's society where everyone files lawsuits, to say nothing of our increasingly stifling government and the Karens on social media. If this video was meant to be funny, it's not so much. I was laughing but more in the "holy cow I can't believe they're telling people to do this" way.
Worth a look for the curiosity factor and to learn some new tricks. But just keep in mind a lot of the stuff shown here is obsolete today but some of it will still work if you put in extra effort. Mostly gone are the days of anonymous phone calls from pay phones or doing things in public places that have no cameras. For those thinking about doing any of these tricks, I will be the fuddy duddy and remind you the majority of actions discussed in this video are crimes. This is even more true today than it was back then, particularly with stuff like postal regulations. Revenge sounds satisfying in the moment but trust me it's not. Unless you are an oblivious moron you'll be looking over your shoulder waiting on The Man to ambush you while getting groceries or picking up your kids from school. Your cheating ex or annoying neighbor aren't worth it.