"Fun House" has been known to be syndication's answer to two other shows, "Finders Keepers" and the famous "Double Dare" series. I was four years old when this show premiered in Sept 1988 and have been a big fan ever since! J.D. Roth was and still is an excellent host because of his love for children and his ability to please an audience. "Tiny" Hurley was a pretty good announcer, sort of like a Rod Roddy for children. And I never knew that "MC Mike" Chambers was the same Mike Chambers who used to breakdance in the Chaka Khan ("I Feel For You") and Lionel Richie ("All Night Long") videos and also co-starred in "Breakin'"?! Wow! That's amazing! Anyway, I enjoyed coming home from school everyday just to tune in for "Fun House". The stunts were as fun as they were sloppy. The "Fun House" bonus round was pretty exciting. And the cheerleaders were HOT! Too bad the show ended in Apr 1991. I was still in first grade. I was disappointed when the show got cancelled. If it stayed on first-run, it could've lasted until 1992 or 1993. FOX made a bad move. But I do hope that they show reruns in the future. J.D was the coolest host in the world and an inspiration to those who watch over the years. GOD BLESS J.D. and GOD BLESS "FUN HOUSE"!