Yo! Da ghetto boyz r in da hood. Deyz in da houze. Deyz everywhere...
Ok, we all (more or less) know about Ronand Regan and company all having some involvement in selling drugs for the Contra Rebels. Yes this was the biggest case of political corruptness the United States has ever seen and will ever see for some time. Of course since all the media for the most part are owned by global corporations that have no interest in doing stories on a subject matter that protrays them in a bad light, we heard very little about it (unless you went to independant news sources like the Guardian).
As awful a crime as this was (govt essentially brokering deals to bring in drugs to the urban areas for sales to raise funds for military projects abroad), this movie was worse. I won't go into the 3 digit budget this film commands. I won't go into the fine cinematography or the well written and scripted plot. It sucked, plain and simple. If you have nothing better than assisted breathing to do, then this fime might be on your, "i'll get around to it someday but I am in no rush" list.
A couple of urban boyz (when not on a well kept tennis court) decided to do something better in life other than stealing cars for a living. So they sold drugs. Sold more drugs, read poorly scripted curse words, drove a nonfunctioning prop car around and met the cast of Super Fly and I am Gonna Git You Sucka.
If life is like this in the urban world (I haven't seen anything like this in LA, Baltimore, DC or NYC) then basically the boyz need to get up of their asses and stop being in movies like this. Selling drugs looks like a good idea compared to being in a movie like this. In addition most of the people inthis movie used fake names out of embarrassment I suspect. Alan Smithee even used a fake name for this film.