In my opinion the best zombie films are... Evil dead (1,2,and Army of darkness) Dawn of the dead (1978 only!) Day of the dead House of 1000 corpses Return of the living dead (1 and 2) Dead Alive
Some of the worst zombie films are... Buarial ground Night of the creeps Zombie lake Zombie high Zombie nightmare and yes ZOMBIE CULT MASSICRE
I remember reading a little ad for Zombie cult massacre in Fangoria magazine. Around a year later I found a video copy of this at Pawn America.I bought it expecting to see a good gory, scary film...I was wrong.I started to watch this movie with my father. He fell asleep 5 min. in.Its a good thing he would not want to see this.
PLOT:a couple end up getting mixed up with a religious cult.Outside the building of this cult place there are zombies.There is some nudity and sex in this, but that doesn't bother me (Im 16 year old male!)but when I see a woman getting anally raped because she did't say a bible line right, that is sick.There is also a lot of gore,which is cool but not enough to save this film.
This could have been a awesome Indy but nothing pays off.